How fun!
An article in the Niagara this Week about
The ABCs of the human body. Very creative photography... and gymnasts.
Actually the whole site was fun. Check it out ~ Alphabet Photography.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Halloween... boy do I have a bone to pick.
WoooOOOooooo Scary Skeletons of Halloween. This is my new favorite Holiday! (I think my real favorite is Thanks Giving ~ just love the comfort food and family gatherings.)
Yet, I come across so many awesome finds for my Workshop during this month, I have to rethink my favorite choice! I am literally a kid in a candy shop.... eye balls.... bones.... blood..... OhhHhhhh! What more could I ask for?
Well..... funny you asked.
The one thing I wish about this Halloween Holiday is that it wouldn’t be made so scary. Bones are too Cool to be scary. This frame work of our body is one of the most fun parts to learn about.
This "14 Surprising Facts About Healthy Bones" article outlines some facts that might ordinarily pass us by... like the fact that your bones are alive.
Actually they are the most vascular thing in our body... this is where your blood is made. Hello, bone marrow. :) Hence, if you break a bone... uh, lets just say don’t. Blood serves much better in your body, then out.
Monday, October 3, 2011
What is your body trying to tell you?
Time to share another article find... this one from 'The Times of India."
Cool Facts about the warning signals your body sends and what those signals might mean!
My two favorite:
Slouching makes you crave sugar even more
Doctors believe slouching reduces blood flow to the brain, triggering sugar cravings (as less glucose reaches the appetite centre of the brain).
What to do: Sit up straight. Keep your feet flat on the floor, lengthen your spine and tighten your tummy to push your back against the chair.
Ignoring back aches is bad for your brain (Hmmmm.... sounds like it's time for a Massage! ;)
Doctors found that people who had back aches for more than a year, had up to 11 percent fewer brain cells in the areas of their brain that control learning. It's believed the stress of dealing with the pain adversely affects cells.
What to do: Get help from doctors immediately. If treated early, most back problems can be cured.
Check out the full article here ~ What your body is saying?
Cool Facts about the warning signals your body sends and what those signals might mean!
My two favorite:
Slouching makes you crave sugar even more
Doctors believe slouching reduces blood flow to the brain, triggering sugar cravings (as less glucose reaches the appetite centre of the brain).
What to do: Sit up straight. Keep your feet flat on the floor, lengthen your spine and tighten your tummy to push your back against the chair.
Ignoring back aches is bad for your brain (Hmmmm.... sounds like it's time for a Massage! ;)
Doctors found that people who had back aches for more than a year, had up to 11 percent fewer brain cells in the areas of their brain that control learning. It's believed the stress of dealing with the pain adversely affects cells.
What to do: Get help from doctors immediately. If treated early, most back problems can be cured.
Check out the full article here ~ What your body is saying?
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Sugar is really not such a sweet deal.
Sugar can create havoc in many ways. From Diabetes to Depression, Yeast Infections to Cancer... And now, current studies have given some clout to the old wives' tale - What you eat can affect your skin.
"High-glycemic foods, such as refined carbs, sugary drinks, and even certain fruits high in natural sugars, cause large spikes in blood sugar when eaten."
"Researchers speculate that insulin resistance—commonly associated with eating a high-glycemic diet—may fuel inflammation and the production of the acne-causing oil sebum."
Read "Following a High-Glycemic Diet May Cause Acne" for more information.
While we're on this topic, here's a tip I got years ago... A client of mine presented to his Dermatologist for ongoing treatment of his acne. Only problem, his doctor was not in. He met with the covering doctor, who told him to make a poultice of Epsom Salt and place it on the soles of his feet before he went to bed. (Just use enough water to make the salt moldable.)
He did, and his skin improved! Somehow the salts draw toxins out.
I love when these natural remedies work. So much better than having to deal with the side effects of medications.
"High-glycemic foods, such as refined carbs, sugary drinks, and even certain fruits high in natural sugars, cause large spikes in blood sugar when eaten."
"Researchers speculate that insulin resistance—commonly associated with eating a high-glycemic diet—may fuel inflammation and the production of the acne-causing oil sebum."
Read "Following a High-Glycemic Diet May Cause Acne" for more information.
While we're on this topic, here's a tip I got years ago... A client of mine presented to his Dermatologist for ongoing treatment of his acne. Only problem, his doctor was not in. He met with the covering doctor, who told him to make a poultice of Epsom Salt and place it on the soles of his feet before he went to bed. (Just use enough water to make the salt moldable.)
He did, and his skin improved! Somehow the salts draw toxins out.
I love when these natural remedies work. So much better than having to deal with the side effects of medications.
Epsom Salt,
Yeast Infections
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Cure Aids by playing a video game?!
It's official! With all its bells and whistles, the computer is still NO MATCH for the human brain!
Scientists have reached out to the game playing world for help. The result... “Video-game players have solved a molecular puzzle that stumped scientists for years, and those scientists say the accomplishment could point the way to crowdsourced cures for AIDS and other diseases.” "People have spatial reasoning skills, something computers are not yet good at."
Scientists have reached out to the game playing world for help. The result... “Video-game players have solved a molecular puzzle that stumped scientists for years, and those scientists say the accomplishment could point the way to crowdsourced cures for AIDS and other diseases.” "People have spatial reasoning skills, something computers are not yet good at."
How awesome. Gamers solving scientific problems... and saving lives!
Click here for the full article - Gamers solve molecular puzzle that baffle scientists
Click here for the full article - Gamers solve molecular puzzle that baffle scientists
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Antibiotic use and Bacteria Extinction? Who would have thought?!
“Antibiotic overuse is harmful to the body's
"good bacteria,"
"good bacteria,"
“~some bacterial species that live in the human body may even be going extinct.”
Check out this interesting article ~ Antibiotic Overuse May Be Harming "Good Bacteria" in the Body
I guess it’s a good thing that not only does massage feel good and relax your muscles; it also lowers levels of stress hormones and boosts the immune system.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Kindergarteners giggle through sex education class in Zhengzhou
I am all for education, especially when it comes to the human body. That, I think we have established, is a given. ;) Though this even pushes my limits.
Kindergarteners giggle through sex education class in Zhengzhou
Don't get me wrong. My kids, much to my sons dismay and my daughters interested awe, have known the 'real deal' since they were very young. Before most, if not all, of their peers. I didn't - and don't - have a problem with that. The difference for me, is that I supplied the information.
My goal is to be one step ahead of this kind of information. This way by the time it is gone over in school, my kids are prepared... my way.
![]() |
Seriously? 4-5 years old? I suppose it's all how you present it, but I sure am glad I taught my kids! |
Don't get me wrong. My kids, much to my sons dismay and my daughters interested awe, have known the 'real deal' since they were very young. Before most, if not all, of their peers. I didn't - and don't - have a problem with that. The difference for me, is that I supplied the information.
My goal is to be one step ahead of this kind of information. This way by the time it is gone over in school, my kids are prepared... my way.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Weight Issues? We'll just have to wait!
A gene that causes excessive skinny-ness?!
Check out this article - Why are some naturally skinny? Gene 'overdose' may be responsible (Curse you chromosome 16!)
It won't be long for scientists to figure out how to tap into our weight loss/gain issues.
Right now, we all have to deal with the cards we are dealt. (Me and my full deck are heading to the gym... :)
Check out this article - Why are some naturally skinny? Gene 'overdose' may be responsible (Curse you chromosome 16!)
It won't be long for scientists to figure out how to tap into our weight loss/gain issues.
Right now, we all have to deal with the cards we are dealt. (Me and my full deck are heading to the gym... :)
Friday, July 22, 2011
Friday. Fry day?! 100 degrees and rising...
Another great article find, posted by P.J. Skerrett
Worth a read! --> Heat is hard on the heart; simple precautions can ease the strain
Warning signs of heat illness. Be on the lookout for: Nausea or vomiting, fatigue, headache, disorientation or confusion, and/or muscle twitches
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Eye am watching out for you...
Summer is in full swing. I can smell the sunscreen in the air. Especially wafting around my own body. Every morning my ritual is to slather, slather, slather... my goal, to ward off as many wrinkles and potentially scary skin issues I can.
My children smell of sunscreen too... :) Even my son! Of course, he had to suffer a painful sunburn firsthand - regardless of the fact that I had given him strict applications instructions and a bottle of 30 spf... for days he winced and steered clear of any misguided physical contact or possible absentminded hugs. Now he welcomes the application of that ‘smelly stuff.’
Skin protection is widely covered during summer months. However, an area that gets sorely ‘overlooked’ when it comes to sun protection... the eyes.
Not only does our skin burn, but the delicate workings of our eyes are at risk of burning too!
Cataracts, macular degeneration and reduced night vision are just a few of the disorders linked to over exposure of the sun. Our eyes can be damaged by the suns powerful rays.
“Children are more susceptible to ultraviolet damage than adults because they tend to spend more time outside than adults and often are not as careful to protect their eyes.” (read more here - "Protect your eyes from summer sun")
Don’t forget to wear your sunglasses and that big floppy brimmed hat! ...okay not too floppy, but make sure it is at least a decent sized visor.
More information can be found at Prevent Blindness America.
More information can be found at Prevent Blindness America.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Another sense to add to the human mix!
How awesome are we?! 5 senses... maybe even 6 if you consider the new study that finds we Amazing Human Beings have magnetosensor capabilities?! What’s this you ask? Basically, it’s what helps migratory birds navigate. (For more, check out this article - Humans May Have ‘Magnetic’ Sixth Sense)
I decided, I am adding another... Common Sense.
Remember that ol’ saying your parents told you? ...the one about the older you get, the less you know? Well, it’s happened to me. Seriously, no matter how much I learn about anything... there is always information to counter. Maybe counter is not the right word, that sounds negative. Balance is more like it. I love that word. Now the trick, to maintain balance.
My post for today begins with a question: With summer in full swing who would think about hypothermia? (a.k.a. Dangerously low body temperature.)
Well....... THINK! Especially if you do any kind of boating. Cold water can rob you of your abilities: ability to maintain a normal body temperature, ability to speak clearly, ability to feel with your hands and fingers, ability to move, ability to breath normally, ability to judge, ability to think... ability to stay alert and ALIVE!
Watch this video - Before You Wade In - Effect of Cold Water on Body - to see how quickly cold water can alter your abilities. The accompanying article is pretty informative as well. (The cold truth: Hypothermia a danger no matter the time of year)
Now the counter... our frigid frosty friend has its counter balance... meet Extreme Heat. Another article came my way, "Use 'common sense' when dealing with summer heat."
The focal point: Hydrate, hydrate, HyDRaTE! Warning signs for heat exhaustion include cramping in your calf muscles and hamstrings, stomach cramps, feeling dizzy and/or light headed, nausea, headaches, as well as the oddity of not sweating any more - even though you're cool to the touch. Major warning on that last item, as this could indicate that your organs are literally beginning to shut down in an effort to keep your heart beating. Add to that awfulness some disorientation and lack of focus, and your headed for disaster.
Remember to use your Seventh Sense. Common Sense is above all, your best defense.
(Related Posts: Boaters be wear... as in WEAR your lifejackets! & Need help calming your racing heart?)
Now the counter... our frigid frosty friend has its counter balance... meet Extreme Heat. Another article came my way, "Use 'common sense' when dealing with summer heat."
The focal point: Hydrate, hydrate, HyDRaTE! Warning signs for heat exhaustion include cramping in your calf muscles and hamstrings, stomach cramps, feeling dizzy and/or light headed, nausea, headaches, as well as the oddity of not sweating any more - even though you're cool to the touch. Major warning on that last item, as this could indicate that your organs are literally beginning to shut down in an effort to keep your heart beating. Add to that awfulness some disorientation and lack of focus, and your headed for disaster.
Remember to use your Seventh Sense. Common Sense is above all, your best defense.
(Related Posts: Boaters be wear... as in WEAR your lifejackets! & Need help calming your racing heart?)
Friday, July 8, 2011
Mozart's nightshift might have been his doom?!
How did Mozart die?
"If Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart had spent a few minutes basking in the sun, it might have forestalled his untimely death..."
Wow! This is some theory. Sure makes sense. Especially, if you never get out in the sun - and there are no other means, such as today's availability of supplements... "Researchers theorize he suffered from disease because of lack of vitamin D
Unbelievable! How lucky are we today?! If you're concerned about sun exposure - which is a great way to get your Vitamin D - there are always supplements.
In case you're wondering... Between the ages of 1-70 RDA suggests 600 IU, after 70 the amount increases to 800 IU. (Reference Table outlining the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for Vitamin D)
Though many experts believe that these recommendations are far too low to maintain healthful vitamin D levels. They advocate for supplementation in the winter of about 2,000 IUs per day and a dose of daily sunshine in the summer.
Another interesting point that the National Institutes of Health, Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet aptly notes is that "more than 40 million adults in the United States have or are at risk of developing osteoporosis, a disease characterized by low bone mass and structural deterioration of bone tissue that increases bone fragility and significantly increases the risk of bone fractures. Osteoporosis is most often associated with inadequate calcium intakes, but insufficient vitamin D contributes to osteoporosis by reducing calcium absorption."
My question..... How do you ever find a balance? This, as I slather on my sunscreen every morning. (My sister had a run in with Melanoma. Thankfully, one that she won! I do not want to repeat that nightmare.)
Off to my vitamin stash... I know I have some Vitamin D in there somewhere........
"If Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart had spent a few minutes basking in the sun, it might have forestalled his untimely death..."
Wow! This is some theory. Sure makes sense. Especially, if you never get out in the sun - and there are no other means, such as today's availability of supplements... "Researchers theorize he suffered from disease because of lack of vitamin D
Unbelievable! How lucky are we today?! If you're concerned about sun exposure - which is a great way to get your Vitamin D - there are always supplements.
In case you're wondering... Between the ages of 1-70 RDA suggests 600 IU, after 70 the amount increases to 800 IU. (Reference Table outlining the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for Vitamin D)
Though many experts believe that these recommendations are far too low to maintain healthful vitamin D levels. They advocate for supplementation in the winter of about 2,000 IUs per day and a dose of daily sunshine in the summer.
Another interesting point that the National Institutes of Health, Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet aptly notes is that "more than 40 million adults in the United States have or are at risk of developing osteoporosis, a disease characterized by low bone mass and structural deterioration of bone tissue that increases bone fragility and significantly increases the risk of bone fractures. Osteoporosis is most often associated with inadequate calcium intakes, but insufficient vitamin D contributes to osteoporosis by reducing calcium absorption."
My question..... How do you ever find a balance? This, as I slather on my sunscreen every morning. (My sister had a run in with Melanoma. Thankfully, one that she won! I do not want to repeat that nightmare.)
Off to my vitamin stash... I know I have some Vitamin D in there somewhere........
Sunday, July 3, 2011
5 Ways to Unwind in 60 Seconds
Simple tips to feel relaxed and peaceful, from this simple article ~ 5 Ways to Unwind in 60 Seconds :)
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Grossology... Yes, I used my kids!
I am guilty of using my children. Yes.... I did. We went to the Long Island Children's Museum to see the Grossology Exhibit. (Saw a recent article in the local Herald - 'Gross' doings at Long Island Children's Museum)
My son, who is going to be 15 on July 11th, was not thrilled to be the lone man towering over so many 'little kids.' He fell solitary, somewhere in the middle of the toddlers and adults. My daughter had a better chance of looking like she belonged. As for me... I camouflaged quite well with the doting parents. No one would know I was really there for ME. Shhhhhh.....
The exhibit offered a great time for younger children.
I, myself, was duly grossed out by the concept of moles, warts and pimples as the handles for scaling the Skin Climbing Wall... and the 'fart' making machines at the Toot Toot! station - thankfully without the inclusion of smells. Especially given the fact that many father's joined in heartily at this particular exhibit, giggling louder than their offspring... what is it about making the loudest sound that entices them so?!
There were lots of interactive stations to engage curious minds. However, this being said, I think I was the most attentive student. I fear, many lessons got lost amidst the noise and commotion. (Did you know that you can shout 600 feet?! - followed by a pleading "Please don't.")
Yes, children climbed the Skin Wall... but none read the information to learn what it was really about. I very much wanted to hear what each exhibit had to say... and there were several to interact with, but there was no way given the variety and level of noise. This was a frustration for my son as well. (ex: The speakers on the Nigel Nose-It-All was so loud it was crackling.) Hence, all that was left for many of the exhibits to offer, was the hands on portion...
That being said, it was very cute. The visual arena began as you walked thru the Gallery Entrance, a giant mouth - With rosy red lips, and teeth I should only hope for. :) You can create a giant burp at the Burp Man station, or find out more about vomiting at the Vomit Center. (Admit it, you want to know.....) There's even a giant 'Operation' game to perform surgery on. Though, given the way some of the 'student doctors' were going at it.... this guy doesn't have a chance.
All in all I had fun ...and my children didn't disown me.
Grossology - The Long Island Children's Museum
My son, who is going to be 15 on July 11th, was not thrilled to be the lone man towering over so many 'little kids.' He fell solitary, somewhere in the middle of the toddlers and adults. My daughter had a better chance of looking like she belonged. As for me... I camouflaged quite well with the doting parents. No one would know I was really there for ME. Shhhhhh.....
The exhibit offered a great time for younger children.

There were lots of interactive stations to engage curious minds. However, this being said, I think I was the most attentive student. I fear, many lessons got lost amidst the noise and commotion. (Did you know that you can shout 600 feet?! - followed by a pleading "Please don't.")
Yes, children climbed the Skin Wall... but none read the information to learn what it was really about. I very much wanted to hear what each exhibit had to say... and there were several to interact with, but there was no way given the variety and level of noise. This was a frustration for my son as well. (ex: The speakers on the Nigel Nose-It-All was so loud it was crackling.) Hence, all that was left for many of the exhibits to offer, was the hands on portion...
That being said, it was very cute. The visual arena began as you walked thru the Gallery Entrance, a giant mouth - With rosy red lips, and teeth I should only hope for. :) You can create a giant burp at the Burp Man station, or find out more about vomiting at the Vomit Center. (Admit it, you want to know.....) There's even a giant 'Operation' game to perform surgery on. Though, given the way some of the 'student doctors' were going at it.... this guy doesn't have a chance.
All in all I had fun ...and my children didn't disown me.
Grossology - The Long Island Children's Museum
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Stretch, not stress
"Recently, scientists have discovered that cells in the human body change depending on how they are stretched. They have shown that if you pull a stem cell in one way, it starts developing into a brain cell; stretch it in other ways, and a muscle or a bone cell results! The most far reaching consequence of this stretching is for cancer cells. Change their mechanical stress, and they start behaving like normal cells! "
"Besides yogic exercises, a general exercise regimen of running, walking or aerobics also helps in cell rejuvenation. The 'high' that people get with regular exercise, is a result not just of chemical secretions, but also because the cells get stretched.
Similarly, deep muscle massage may also help in stretching of cells."
For the complete article click here -> Stretch, not stress
"Besides yogic exercises, a general exercise regimen of running, walking or aerobics also helps in cell rejuvenation. The 'high' that people get with regular exercise, is a result not just of chemical secretions, but also because the cells get stretched.
Similarly, deep muscle massage may also help in stretching of cells."
For the complete article click here -> Stretch, not stress
"A new tissue regeneration technique has been developed to re-grow large amounts of skeletal tissue. The method could give new hope to people who face amputation."
"Proteins taken from pig intestines are inserted into the damaged human tissue. The proteins attract human stem cells to migrate to the limb and start creating matching bone and tissue cells."
Talk about human guinea pigs... :)
This will bring hope for so many people! The human body is so AMAZING!
"A new tissue regeneration technique has been developed to re-grow large amounts of skeletal tissue. The method could give new hope to people who face amputation."
"Proteins taken from pig intestines are inserted into the damaged human tissue. The proteins attract human stem cells to migrate to the limb and start creating matching bone and tissue cells."
Talk about human guinea pigs... :)
This will bring hope for so many people! The human body is so AMAZING!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Why you crave junk
"The science behind cravings, which are driven by intense sensations of desire for certain foods, explains how neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine run the show. A dip in our body's serotonin levels causes cravings for starchy and sweet foods."
"Serotonin helps maintain a 'happy feeling' and calms anxiety. Whereas, dopamine helps us calm down and elevates our mood."
Nutritionist and obesity consultant Naini Setalvad explains, "While several factors could cause cravings, the most common stem either from a deficiency of minerals and vitamins or due to a mild imbalance in our neurotransmitters, which are our body's chemical messengers. They carry impulses between nerve cells and some control our moods and feelings. For instance, someone who chronically has low blood pressure would instinctually take to saltier foods; as would one who lacks minerals available in salt."
Here's a link with more information on Why you crave junk
So what can you do to stop the cravings? Use your imagination!
"The easiest way to get your mind off that hot fudge sundae is to picture this instead: a white sandy beach in Tahiti.
Or a scene from your favorite movie. Or a slow dance with your honey under a starry sky. Just picture something -- anything -- delightfully pleasant that isn't food related. Research suggests that doing so can help stop a craving, fast."
Here's a link with more tips -> Halt Cravings with This Mental Image
Uh.... this could pose a problem.... Happiness Gene Found in Human Body to Determine Cheerfulness in People
"Serotonin helps maintain a 'happy feeling' and calms anxiety. Whereas, dopamine helps us calm down and elevates our mood."
Nutritionist and obesity consultant Naini Setalvad explains, "While several factors could cause cravings, the most common stem either from a deficiency of minerals and vitamins or due to a mild imbalance in our neurotransmitters, which are our body's chemical messengers. They carry impulses between nerve cells and some control our moods and feelings. For instance, someone who chronically has low blood pressure would instinctually take to saltier foods; as would one who lacks minerals available in salt."
Here's a link with more information on Why you crave junk
So what can you do to stop the cravings? Use your imagination!
"The easiest way to get your mind off that hot fudge sundae is to picture this instead: a white sandy beach in Tahiti.
Or a scene from your favorite movie. Or a slow dance with your honey under a starry sky. Just picture something -- anything -- delightfully pleasant that isn't food related. Research suggests that doing so can help stop a craving, fast."
Here's a link with more tips -> Halt Cravings with This Mental Image
Uh.... this could pose a problem.... Happiness Gene Found in Human Body to Determine Cheerfulness in People
Trivia Questions About the Human Body
Which finger has the fastest growing nail?
A: Middle Finger.
The most insect bitten part of the human body is what part?
A: Foot.
Which bone is the hardest bone in the human body?
A: Jaw Bone.
How many senses do human beings have?
A: 5 (Unless you check out what this article has to say... Humans have a Magnetic Sixth Sense?)
Check out this link for more Trivia Questions About the Human Body.
A: Middle Finger.
The most insect bitten part of the human body is what part?
A: Foot.
Which bone is the hardest bone in the human body?
A: Jaw Bone.
How many senses do human beings have?
A: 5 (Unless you check out what this article has to say... Humans have a Magnetic Sixth Sense?)
Check out this link for more Trivia Questions About the Human Body.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
What do your hands tell you about your health?
Awesome find!
The subtle difference in finger lengths is linked to a foetus's exposure to testosterone... From that doctors have determined a slew of information... from a heightened risk for osteoarthritis to a lower risk for heart disease...
Read more:What the length of your index finger says about you.
The subtle difference in finger lengths is linked to a foetus's exposure to testosterone... From that doctors have determined a slew of information... from a heightened risk for osteoarthritis to a lower risk for heart disease...
Read more:What the length of your index finger says about you.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Boaters be wear... as in Wear your Lifejacket!!
When suddenly immersed in cold water the human body gets shocked, setting off a number of uncontrollable reactions that frequently lead to drowning.
First, the body instinctively gasps for air increasing the chance of immediate drowning if too much water is swallowed and enters the lungs.
Second, blood pressure and heart rate increase substantially which can trigger panic, hyperventilation and cardiac arrest - all making survival increasingly more difficult.
After the reaction to immediate cold shock, the body works instinctively to preserve its core temperature. At this stage the loss of blood flow to the arms and legs causes muscular failure and the inability to swim.”
A Cool Heartbeat Comparison!
The Heart of an ELEPHANT weighs between 40 and 60 pounds and beats about 30 times a minute. Check this out!
What does Periodontal Disease and/or Gingivitis have to do with your Heart?
Finally an explanation I can understand!
I have always wondered why Periodontal Disease and/or Gingivitis put your Heart at such risk.
Why was the Heart at the forefront?
I can gather how any infection can impair your overall health... and even how germs in the mouth have a front line to our blood via the whole sublingual thing... the one where, the germs in your mouth could easily enter under your tongue, directly into the blood stream. (This is the fastest and most direct route to your blood stream, and hence one used for many crucial medications.)
But that still didn’t tell me why the heart was more at risk...
So at risk, in fact, that when when someone with heart related ailments goes in for dental procedures they have to take antibiotics days before their appointment?
Now the answer... This is so cool!
Your mouth harbors bacteria - especially if you have Periodontal Disease or Gingivitis. These germs are swallowed and mixed with the air we inhale, continually. Kind of gross to think about, but they coat and attach to everything along the way. Your tongue, throat... nasal passages... you get the picture.
This explains why some people can never seem to get rid of their bad breath no matter how much they brush... and why/how chlorophyll rich drinks really help.
In comes the heart... The heart as you know pumps our blood. In line with the ‘we need air to live’ it picks up oxygen from the lungs... the germ tainted oxygen!
Right there is how it happens! This is why the heart is so at risk. It’s first in line. No filtering... no cleaning... just a concentration of germs and bacteria delivered straight to the heart!
Need help calming your racing heart?
Splash cold water on your face.
It works!
It works!
Did you know that when someone falls into icy cold water face first, an instinct to preserve life takes over, slowing the heart and redirecting blood to the heart and brain.
This innate response called the mammalian diving reflex, is actually present in all mammals.
(Yes, we are mammals.)
When we plunge face first into very cold water (well below 70 degrees Fahrenheit), the body responds with an immediate slowing of the heart and a redirection of blood to the vital organs in an attempt to survive. This is one reason why some people, especially children, have been successfully resuscitated after being submerged in an icy lake for 30, 40, or more minutes.
Plunging a patient’s face into ice water was also used in ERs not too long ago as a way to slow an abnormally rapid heart rhythm. Today we have medicine to do that job.
This innate response called the mammalian diving reflex, is actually present in all mammals.
(Yes, we are mammals.)
When we plunge face first into very cold water (well below 70 degrees Fahrenheit), the body responds with an immediate slowing of the heart and a redirection of blood to the vital organs in an attempt to survive. This is one reason why some people, especially children, have been successfully resuscitated after being submerged in an icy lake for 30, 40, or more minutes.
Plunging a patient’s face into ice water was also used in ERs not too long ago as a way to slow an abnormally rapid heart rhythm. Today we have medicine to do that job.
How it all began.
From time to time I get questioned as to how I got into Massage Therapy.
There are a few situations that impacted me, steering me to where I am now.
My first massage was in Florida in the late 80's. I was visiting my mother after a very stressful work week. A true believer in massage, Mom wouldn’t even speak to me until I went for a massage myself. That moment opened a new world... I was hooked. When I came back to New York I continued to get massages. During one of my sessions the Therapist informed me that there was an open house at a local massage school. I attended and immediately registered.
Further back in my life I remember this desire to learn about anatomy and physiology. As a child I had an unusual 'opportunity'. My father was an avid hunter, and I often helped butcher his 'catch'. I was his ‘assistant.’ Every step of the way my Dad and I inspected, and tested... muscles, bones, joints, look at how this moves this... and so on. Yes, there were times that I would have to walk away... but I would come back. These moments allowed me to experience and discover what few people did. At the time I wasn't aware of the impact this had. Now I do.
Massage school was full time. Work was too. I look back now and wonder how I made it thru!
After graduating from The New Center for Wholistic Health and Research with a certificate in Massage, I went on to take the State Boards. After what seemed like forever, I received my New York State License and officially became a Massage Therapist.
As many of you know, my desire to learn did not end there. I continued on, taking classes to find out how to treat the body as a whole... what approaches would make the best impact? I needed to know... and still do.
I researched and treated, researched and treated... countless people. Some of you have even been my willing guinea pigs... Thank you!
For all the questions that have come my way... I have answered or tried to answer the best I could... Clear and simple. Sometimes with quirky stories, images and parallels. If I didn't know... I just said so... or I found out.
A few years ago my passion for the human body came in handy for my son. He was in forth grade at the time. The science fair was coming up. He and his friend wanted to do a project.
Since their topic choice was ‘The Human Body’ they came to me for help. What greater gift could a parent get, then to have your child ask you to teach them your passion?!
When we were finished with the project they knew more about their bodies than many adults. We had so much fun! Their science project was a hit... and it got me thinking. Why not offer this type of Workshop for all kids?
This is how my next venture, I am an AMAZING Human Being!, began.
I now offer a very kid-friendly, non-threatening class for all. And yes, quirky stories, creative images and parallels are used.
My daughter is so excited. She is happy to be my official ‘assistant’. (and no hunting or animals are needed! :) She made me very proud during her hospital stay (due to a dog bite gone septic) when she gave all the nurses a lesson on the bones! She was proud too. I can't wait to see where this goes.........
~ Nancy
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