Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Kindergarteners giggle through sex education class in Zhengzhou

I am all for education, especially when it comes to the human body.  That, I think we have established, is a given. ;)  Though this even pushes my limits.

Seriously? 4-5 years old?  I suppose it's all how you
 present it, but I sure am glad I taught my kids!
Kindergarteners giggle through sex education class in Zhengzhou

Don't get me wrong.  My kids, much to my sons dismay and my daughters interested awe, have known the 'real deal' since they were very young.  Before most, if not all, of their peers.  I didn't - and don't - have a problem with that.  The difference for me, is that I supplied the information.

My goal is to be one step ahead of this kind of information.  This way by the time it is gone over in school, my kids are prepared... my way.

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