Monday, February 6, 2017

Sitting is the New Smoking

Apparently we sit more hours per day than we sleep. I would have to agree with that claim... especially given I’ve been up since 3:15 a.m. (Thanks to my darling puppy barking last night... ugh. She’s lucky she’s cute 😊)

Clearly my inadequate sleep does not benefit overall health. On top of that, apparently long term sitting is now deemed the ‘new smoking.’ 

All those literal steps to ward off obesity, cardiac issues, back pain, etc., may be in vain. “You can exercise for a clip of time, but sit for several consecutive hours and your exercise-get-healthy attempts are negated.”

“Experts say that the real harm doesn’t come only from the amount of cumulative hours in a day you spend seated, but from the length of time that you spend in a single period of sitting.” ~ What Sitting Really Does to Your Body

One hour of exercise unfortunately will not undo all the ramifications that comes with sitting the majority of the day.”  Head over to Take a stand against sitting to find preventative recommendations and a guideline.

Until then - Mental note: Don’t sit for more than an hour straight. Make a point to get up and move... and make sure to take that cute puppy for a walk. 

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