Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sugar is really not such a sweet deal.

Sugar can create havoc in many ways.  From Diabetes to Depression, Yeast Infections to Cancer... And now, current studies have given some clout to the old wives' tale - What you eat can affect your skin.

"High-glycemic foods, such as refined carbs, sugary drinks, and even certain fruits high in natural sugars, cause large spikes in blood sugar when eaten."

"Researchers speculate that insulin resistance—commonly associated with eating a high-glycemic diet—may fuel inflammation and the production of the acne-causing oil sebum." 

Read "Following a High-Glycemic Diet May Cause Acne" for more information.

While we're on this topic, here's a tip I got years ago... A client of mine presented to his Dermatologist for ongoing treatment of his acne.  Only problem, his doctor was not in.  He met with the covering doctor, who told him to make a poultice of Epsom Salt and place it on the soles of his feet before he went to bed. (Just use enough water to make the salt moldable.)

He did, and his skin improved!  Somehow the salts draw toxins out.

I love when these natural remedies work.  So much better than having to deal with the side effects of medications.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Cure Aids by playing a video game?!

It's official!  With all its bells and whistles, the computer is still NO MATCH for the human brain!

Scientists have reached out to the game playing world for help.  The result... “Video-game players have solved a molecular puzzle that stumped scientists for years, and those scientists say the accomplishment could point the way to crowdsourced cures for AIDS and other diseases.”   "People have spatial reasoning skills, something computers are not yet good at."
How awesome.  Gamers solving scientific problems... and saving lives!
Click here for the full article - Gamers solve molecular puzzle that baffle scientists

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Antibiotic use and Bacteria Extinction? Who would have thought?!

“Antibiotic overuse is harmful to the body's
"good bacteria,"  
“~some bacterial species that live in the human body may even be going extinct.”
I guess it’s a good thing that not only does massage feel good and relax your muscles; it also lowers levels of stress hormones and boosts the immune system.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Kindergarteners giggle through sex education class in Zhengzhou

I am all for education, especially when it comes to the human body.  That, I think we have established, is a given. ;)  Though this even pushes my limits.

Seriously? 4-5 years old?  I suppose it's all how you
 present it, but I sure am glad I taught my kids!
Kindergarteners giggle through sex education class in Zhengzhou

Don't get me wrong.  My kids, much to my sons dismay and my daughters interested awe, have known the 'real deal' since they were very young.  Before most, if not all, of their peers.  I didn't - and don't - have a problem with that.  The difference for me, is that I supplied the information.

My goal is to be one step ahead of this kind of information.  This way by the time it is gone over in school, my kids are prepared... my way.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Weight Issues? We'll just have to wait!

A gene that causes excessive skinny-ness?!

Check out this article - Why are some naturally skinny? Gene 'overdose' may be responsible  (Curse you chromosome 16!)

It won't be long for scientists to figure out how to tap into our weight loss/gain issues.
Right now, we all have to deal with the cards we are dealt.  (Me and my full deck are heading to the gym... :)