I am guilty of using my children. Yes.... I did. We went to the Long Island Children's Museum to see the Grossology Exhibit.
(Saw a recent article in the local Herald - 'Gross' doings at Long Island Children's Museum)
My son, who is going to be 15 on July 11th, was not thrilled to be the
lone man towering over so many 'little kids.' He fell solitary, somewhere in the middle of the toddlers and adults. My daughter had a better chance of looking like she belonged. As for me... I camouflaged quite well with the doting parents.
No one would know I was really there for ME. Shhhhhh.....
The exhibit offered a great time for younger children.

myself, was duly grossed out by the concept of moles, warts and pimples as the handles for scaling the Skin Climbing Wall... and the 'fart' making machines at the Toot Toot! station -
thankfully without the inclusion of smells. Especially given the fact that many father's joined in
heartily at this particular exhibit, giggling louder than their offspring...
what is it about making the loudest sound that entices them so?!
There were lots of interactive stations to engage curious minds. However, this being said, I think
I was the most attentive student. I fear, many lessons got lost amidst the noise and commotion. (Did you know that you can shout 600 feet?! -
followed by a pleading "Please don't.")
Yes, children climbed the Skin Wall...
but none read the information to learn what it was really about. I very much wanted to hear what each exhibit had to say... and there were several to interact with, but there was
no way given the variety and level of noise. This was a frustration for my son as well.
(ex: The speakers on the Nigel Nose-It-All was so loud it was crackling.) Hence, all that was left for many of the exhibits to offer, was the hands on portion...
That being said, it was very cute. The visual arena began as you walked thru the Gallery Entrance, a giant mouth - With rosy red lips,
and teeth I should only hope for. :) You can create a giant burp at the Burp Man station, or find out more about vomiting at the Vomit Center.
(Admit it, you want to know.....) There's even a giant 'Operation' game to perform surgery on. Though, given the way some of the '
student doctors' were going at it.... this guy doesn't have a chance.
All in all I had fun ...
and my children didn't disown me.
Grossology - The Long Island Children's Museum